common hogweed - heracleum sphondylium

common hogweed - heracleum sphondylium

Active Ingredients 

Essential oil, furanocoumarin (including bergaptene, pimpinellin and xanthotoxin)


The common hogweed, scientifically known as Heracleum sphondylium, is a large perennial plant often found along roadsides, fields, and in natural habitats. This plant can reach a height of 1 meter or more. The leaves of the common hogweed are large and divided into significant, angular leaflets, forming a dense cluster at the base of the plant.

The stem of the common hogweed is robust and hairy, bearing several leaves with a thick leaf stalk exhibiting a noticeable swelling, often with a reddish sheath enveloping the young inflorescence. The white flowers of the common hogweed are arranged in large, flat umbels.

The fruits of the plant are large-winged, two-parted split fruits. When rubbed, the common hogweed emits an aromatic fragrance, primarily from the roots and fruits. The plant has various applications, including in herbal medicine, and is associated with properties such as promoting digestion and having calming effects.

What can you use if for?

• The roots and leaves of the common hogweed are seen as strengthening and promoting digestion.
• They also possess calming properties, making them historically used in cases of epilepsy.
• Leclerc recommended the plant as an aphrodisiac after successfully applying it for ‘genital weakness.’
• Applied topically, the plant has a healing effect on boils, abscesses, and acne.
• In homeopathy, Common Hogweed is prescribed for headaches, ovarian pain, and contact dermatitis.

How to use it?

INTERNAL Infusion: Use 1 teaspoon of roots and leaves per cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes. Take 3 cups a day between meals to invigorate the body, or after meals to stimulate digestion.

EXTERNAL Decoction: Boil 30g of root in 1 liter of water. Use as rinses and compresses for boils, pimples, and abscesses.

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